Identify trending products

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Competitor price and promotion tracking tool for product managers
Catalogue assortment tracking for product managers

Get to know your competitors’ entire catalogues

It’s easier than ever to access any online player’s entire catalogue. You can analyse their product range, new additions, discontinued products, categorization, and brands. You can even track strategic price changes and product availability by monitoring their current stock levels

Identify new trending products and categories

Set alerts to notify you when a change is detected in any distributor’s product portfolio. The alerts will tell you when they add new products, remove current ones, or when they run out of stock. You can also quickly identify trending products that buyers like most because they have good ratings and numerous positive reviews.

Product price trends forecast for product managers

Optimize your product catalogue with Minderest

  • Pay attention to detail with the product file attributes.
  • Access any distributor’s product portfolio.
  • Be the first to spot trends.

Minderest customers achieve their goals


Revenue increase




Time saved

ROI metrics based on self-reported data from over 35 customers of Minderest, between 2020 and 2023.
Evolution logo

Evolution offers competitive prices by understanding the market

Evolution, a multi-purpose power saw brand sold in 26 countries, has gained a better understanding of market prices. Evolution also has a better grip on its competitors’ movements with access to distributors’ prices and catalogues.

Product sheet info tracking for product managers

Monitor product presentation

Access other retailers’ data with a single click. You can compare products you have in common, find out whose product file is more optimized, or what details are missing.

For manufacturers, it is becoming increasingly crucial that product file attributes align with the brand image. Our tool provides you with all the data, distributor by distributor. Therefore, identifying sellers who are not complying with your policy is easy.

11 of the world’s 50 largest retailers use Minderest

Decathlon Logo
Leroy Merlin Logo
Ebay Logo

Find out how Minderest can take your business to the next level.

Contact our pricing experts to see the platform in action.