La elección del tamaño del catálogo del ecommerce en base a las necesidades e intereses de los públicos objetivos es una decisión clave para su éxito. Las diferentes alternativas cuentan con ventajas e inconvenientes. En primera instancia, sabemos que un catálogo extenso ofrece ilimitadas opciones de compra a los usuarios, opciones que no son viables en una tienda física, pero esto puede provocar que la navegación se eternice y la decisión de compra no sea sólida, por lo que estaríamos perdiendo oportunidades de venta. Por el lado contrario, una limitada oferta de productos puede trasladar la percepción de que se está restando capacidad de decisión a los clientes, afectando a la imagen de marca. En base a ello, la clave está en combinar las opciones ilimitadas y la selección de productos en un catálogo funcional y orientado al cliente.
To make the best decisions when setting up your catalogue, you can first document and obtain information about the catalogues of your competition, including the size, products, and categories, among others. After that, we recommend following the tips we share below to combine both models and get the most out of your catalogue, converting it into a wide array that offers multiple options while making navigation easier.
Implementing selection characteristics
Whether you have a large or small catalogue, customers appreciate help from selection characteristics. These are tools that facilitate the purchase process. According to data from the international consultant, Euromonitor, what users appreciate most is being able to check reviews from real customers (34%), followed by being able to try products (33%), and organising the catalogue according to different criteria (29%).
In eCommerce, this organisation is achieved by enabling shopping filters. Any well-optimised catalogue should have filters based on the characteristics of the products. You can include physical characteristics, such as colour, size, shape, etc., as well as features of the buyer persona that each item matches, such as the gender or style, if we’re talking about fashion.

Creating a featured product section
If your eCommerce has a large product catalogue, you can enable a featured product or best-selling product section for those customers who feel overwhelmed when faced with pages and pages of options. This will ensure that you cover the needs of both groups of consumers.
In this product section, you can incorporate both the most in-demand items as well as those that you want to sell first for strategic reasons, such as seasonal items. Try to include items with very different characteristics in this section of your website or carousel because at a psychological level, it’s been demonstrated that deciding becomes more complicated for customers as the differences between the products that interest them is reduced.
Optimising product pages
On the pages and previews of the highest value products and those that you’re most interested in selling, include information about their most attractive qualities. Tags like “Top quality” and “Local product” can tip the scale, encouraging customers to stop and look at that item.
Once you’ve got their attention, the product description should be clear, simple, and as accurate as possible. When writing this content, while keeping SEO criteria in mind, you should identify the needs that potential customers may have and respond to them in the texts on your website. At the same time, you can include a selection of related products on each page to encourage cross-selling.
Finally, good audience segmentation will allow you to make personalised offers to your customers to generate greater interest. These personal recommendations allow you to immediately boost sales and build loyalty through a greater number of satisfied customers- Combining this with a dynamic pricing strategy will give eCommerce businesses the advantage of anticipating market changes and their competitors’ movements, thus avoiding losing potential customers.
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